Bishop Paul Colton, addressing members of Changing Attitude Ireland at the group’s AGM at St Anne’s Shandon on Saturday March 2nd, noted the Church of Ireland’s lack of progress towards establishing equal respect and affirmation for LGBT+ Christians in the Church and expressed his personal shame that in his 20 years as a member of the House of Bishops he had been unable to effect any noticeable change, given the diversity of convictions in the higher echelons of the C of I. However, he noted that most church members must hold liberal opinions in this area, as was shown in the Marriage Equality referendum of 2015. “So you are not really in a minority”, he told his audience.
Chairman Scott Golden’s address at the AGM noted the inspiring address by Iona’s Rev. John Bell at last year’s General Synod in Armagh and the success of the CAI annual retreats held over the past two years at Corrymeela. A commitment has been made to hold the autumn 2019 retreat, to which members and friends of CAI are invited, at a venue that will be more accessible from all parts of the island.
The CAI speaker at this year’s General Synod in L’Derry will be the Revd. Andrew Rawding, rector of Brackaville, who has recently been working in Armagh diocese to further family support and suicide prevention for LGBT+ young people, with support from the Archbishop of Armagh.
Key members of the CAI committee were re-elected at the AGM, with the exception of webmaster Stephen Spillane, who has had to withdraw. The website, recently renamed <> is currently being managed by Scott Golden.