Changing Attitude Ireland’s chair, Scott Golden, gave his final address before stepping down at the AGM on Saturday, 25 March 2023. “For groups such as ourselves to be successful in addressing these injustices we need the support of our members. We are only as strong as our membership base and only as active as we have members to help us in the work. I am therefore appealing to you to get involved, we have urgent need of people to assist with administration, website maintenance, fundraising and pastoral care. We desperately need committed committee members. If you can help, please let us know. If you know of a friend who would be interested in joining, put them in touch with us: our contact details are on our website and any of the executive committee will be delighted to hear from potential new members.” [Continue Reading]
Position Papers & Articles
Changing Attitude Ireland's archive of position papers and other writing, with most recent texts appearing first. For an overview of all newsletters on one page, visit the Position Papers & Articles sitemap page.
Celebrating Inclusion
New liturgy prepared by Changing Attitude Ireland for church services to mark International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT) Sunday 17th May.[gview file=””]
Faith in Marriage Equality
The newly formed Faith in Marriage Equality is featured by Read more here.
Synod Hears Interim Report of Committee on Human Sexuality in the Context of Christian Belief
The interim report of the Select Committee on Human Sexuality in the Context of Christian Belief was received at Synod. Dean John Mann (Connor) proposed the report. He outlined the approach being taken by the committee and said that “the subject matter itself is large enough, without the additional complication of needing […]
‘Those texts’ and the sanctity of life: a contribution to the debate on human sexuality
By Sandra Pragnell, SEARCH 36.1, Spring 2013—The Gospel and practice of Jesus is radically inclusive. In his life and teaching he models the acceptance and affirmation of outcasts. He says nothing about homosexuality. Yet the Church’s attitude to homosexuality, in its traditional understanding, appears exclusive and homophobic, contrary to the kingdom values we profess to uphold. Christian gay men and lesbians have been described as “exiles: banished from the family, from the church, and from creation.” [Continue Reading]
Sodom, Lot’s daughters, and other texts: Homosexuality, the Church, and the sanctity of life
The Church is called to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ which
excludes no one; if the Church is not inclusive, it is a counter-sign of
the kingdom. The Church of Ireland should call, as some other Anlgican
churches have done, for all relationships to be assessed in the light
of an authentic spirituality, based on the kingdom values of healing, reconciliation, compassion and love. All are made in God’s image and,
as Christians, we are all one in Christ. Can the Anglican Communion
find the courage to speak prophetically and with integrity to those within
and outside the church in the third millennium of our Lord? [Continue Reading]
Statement by Canon Charles Kenny in support of David Cameron’s comments on same-sex marriage
In Downing Street on July 25th the Prime Minister applauded the contributions over the years to all aspects of life in the UK of people who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. He deprecated the fear and hatred that they routinely have to endure. Mr Cameron welcomed the social and political progress towards eliminating irrational and unjustified fear and hatred of gays over the past four decades. [Continue Reading]
The Scriptures and Homosexuality: Old Testament and New Testament Perspectives
Dr. James Willamson and Pádraig ÓTuama
The two papers published here were given at a day conference organised by the Methodist group Accepting Sexualty in Belfast on 14th May 2011. [Continue Reading]
Methodist Church in Ireland: E.4 Marriage, sexual relationships and sexuality
We recognise the family as the primary unit in society and all possible encouragement is given to ministers and congregations to support and strengthen family life. Marriage is a relationship, intended as permanent, between one man and one woman within which sexual intercourse establishes a unique intimacy. [Continue Reading]
Report: Holding the tension wisely
Even before a conversation about LGBT lives and stories begins, there can be felt-tension about the perceived intention of another. There is tension when a conversation is experienced as being coercive. There can be tension when one person perceives that another’s engagement may cloak a particular agenda. Intentions can sometimes be judged incorrectly. Where one individual may be seeking to understand, their intention may be judged as destructive. This requires a deep and caring communication – speaking and listening, speaking and listening. Language is more than words. Even the most carefully chosen words cannot mask a hurtful intention. [Continue Reading]