Sermons & Addresses

Changing Attitude Ireland's archive of sermons and other addresses, with most recent texts appearing first. For an overview of all texts on one page, visit the Sermons & Addresses sitemap page.

“The Promise of Freedom”, IDAHOT Address by Katherine Zappone

“I am blessed to be in your presence today – the Spirit of the God who is Love moves within and through each of you and touches my heart on this day, the day we gather in communion with others throughout Ireland and the world to express our resistance to the fear of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.” [Continue Reading]

Accepting Sexuality talk by Canon Mark Oakley

The Accepting Sexuality annual lecture was held on 20th February in Belfast.  Mark Oakley, Canon Chancellor of St. Paul’s Cathedral, gave the following address. [gview file=””]

IDAHOT Day 2014 in Ireland

Changing Attitude Ireland and others organised IDAHOT services across Ireland in May 2014. Belfast [metaslider id=1104] Michael Wardlow’s address can be read further down this page.  [metaslider id=1105] International Day against homophobia and transphobia (IDAHOT) was marked on Friday night by the Newry Rainbow Community (NRC) along with Changing Attitude Ireland, with a night of […]

Speech of the Right Rev. Dr Paul Colton, Bishop of Cork, as Guest of Honour at Cork LGBT awareness week, 12th May 2014

I am deeply conscious of how generously gracious and open your invitation to me, a Church leader, is in including me today as your Guest of Honour.  Not gracious in the sense of courteous and kind, but more in the religious sense of grace – your invitation to me is undeserved; it is an unmerited […]

Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch Dublin Talk, 9th May, 2014

Diarmaid MacCulloch, Professor of Church History at Oxford University spoke in Dublin on Friday 9th May about Faith and Sexuality. Professor MacCulloch’s ‘History of Christianity’ was made into a BBC TV series. He was ordained a deacon in the Church of England and is an openly gay man. The event took the form of a […]

Gay Clergy – can we agree to disagree agreeably?

Presentation to C of I Bishops’Conference on Sexuality in the Context of Christian Belief by Canon Ginnie Kennerley, March 2012   I’m very pleased and a little nervous to be here with you today with The Revd Barry Forde, and both of us are agreed that we are here in pursuit of mutual understanding, not […]

‘Love is the Great Endeavour’, a talk by Padraig O’Tuama to the Cashel, Connor and Kilmore Tripartite conference, 29th March 2014

Here is a link to Padraig O’Tuama’s blog, and via the blog, to the text of the powerful and poignant talk  given by Padraig at the Cashel, Connor and Kilmore tripartite Diocesan conference on 29th March 2014:  

Mothers’ Day sermon for a Family Service, by Canon Ginnie Kennerley, March 30th, 2014

Like mothers’ love, God’s love is unconditional – for gay people too! Mothers’ Day sermon for a Family Service by Canon Ginnie Kennerley   It’s very good to be with you all this Mothers’ Day – though what with the clocks going forward and an early morning service to conduct it was a very short […]

Talk by Malcolm Macourt at the Church of Ireland Tripartite Diocesan discussion on sexuality

Talk by Malcolm Macourt at the Church of Ireland Tripartite Diocesan (Limerick, Clogher, Tuam) discussion on sexuality held in Claremorris, County Mayo on 15th February 2014. [Continue Reading]

Address at the Memorial Service for the Revd Mervyn Kingston

This was one of three adresses celebrating the life of the Reverend George Mervyn Kingston at a memorial service held at St George’s Church, Belfast on 8 February 2014. Mervyn was a wonderful priest, a loyal friend and an unlikely prophet, whose prophetic ministry was particularly concerned with reconciliation between Northern Ireland’s churches and communities. He co-founded Changing Attitude Ireland with his husband and partner, Dr Richard O’Leary. [Continue Reading]