How did the Scottish Episcopal Church do it? This was the question in the minds of those who gathered for the Changing Attitude Ireland AGM lecture by the Provost of St Mary’s Cathedral Glasgow, the Very Revd Kelvin Holdsworth, in Dublin on Saturday 28th October. As a key member of Changing Attitude Scotland, Holdsworth has been at the heart of the campaign to permit its clergy to solemnise marriages in church regardless of the couple’s gender. [Continue Reading]
2017 Guest Lecture “Full LGBT acceptance in the Church? – Charting the way forward in Ireland and Scotland” & Annual General Meeting
Our Guest Lecture & AGM for 2017 takes place on Saturday 28 October @ 2 PM. We are delighted to announce that our guest lecturer will be the renowned provost of St Mary’s Cathedral Glasgow, the Very Revd. Kelvin Holdsworth, who will speak to us on the topic “Full LGBT acceptance in the Church? – Charting the way forward in Ireland and Scotland”. St Mary’s is the cathedral church for the United Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway in the Scottish Episcopal Church, which is in full membership of the worldwide Anglican Communion. [Continue Reading]