The Church is called to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ which
excludes no one; if the Church is not inclusive, it is a counter-sign of
the kingdom. The Church of Ireland should call, as some other Anlgican
churches have done, for all relationships to be assessed in the light
of an authentic spirituality, based on the kingdom values of healing, reconciliation, compassion and love. All are made in God’s image and,
as Christians, we are all one in Christ. Can the Anglican Communion
find the courage to speak prophetically and with integrity to those within
and outside the church in the third millennium of our Lord? [Continue Reading]
Sodom, Lot’s daughters, and other texts: Homosexuality, the Church, and the sanctity of life
Revd. Sandra Pragnell’s sermon in Dublin for IDAHO 2012
For over 20 years, Southwark Diocese in south London was my spiritual home, in particular the parish church of St John the Divine in Richmond. It was both a formative and a transforming time for me – nurtured by a succession of superbly pastoral, non-judgmental and godly clergy (married, single, divorced, gay, partnered, celibate, male, and latterly female too). I confess I had been strongly anti the ordination of women, and hanging on to particular biblical texts as if my life depended on it. And yet finding myself in 2001 ordained in this cathedral proves that people can change, and that God indeed has a sense of humour. [Continue Reading]
IDAHO 2012 Posters
Dublin: Christ Church Cathedral, 3.30pm
Cork: St. Anne’s, Shandon, 11.00am Eucharist
L’Derry: St Columb’s Cathedral, 4.00pm
Limerick: St. Mary’s Cathedral, 7.00pm
Waterford: Christ Church Cathedral, 7.30pm [Continue Reading]