Sermons & Addresses

Changing Attitude Ireland's archive of sermons and other addresses, with most recent texts appearing first. For an overview of all texts on one page, visit the Sermons & Addresses sitemap page.

IDAHO service 2011: “Challenging homophobia at home and abroad”

Welcome to our service on IDAHO Day 2011 – International Day Against Homophobia. At this time each year we join with brothers and sisters throughout the world who are concerned that Christian conscience cannot accept that God’s love embraces only heterosexuals. This afternoon in St George’s we are united with others in Dublin, Cork, and Limerick in welcoming and accepting our family members and friends who are gay or lesbian. The theme of our service is —“Challenging homophobia at home and abroad.” [Continue Reading]

Rt. Revd. David Kerr sermon for IDAHO 2011, “Challenging Homophobia at Home and Abroad”

Thank you for the invitation to speak at this annual IDAHO service; I count it a great privilege to share in the worship today and to address you. Our theme this year is a very broad ranging one and while it is a very important one, it seems almost too great for us to be able to respond to in any meaningful way. When we contemplate the range of vicious and violent homophobia around the world in Uganda, Nigeria, certain parts of America and indeed in many other places it seems impossible to challenge. Yet all it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. [Continue Reading]

Canon Ginnie Kennerly’s IDAHO 2011 sermon in Dublin

That’s because as today’s New Testament reading reminds us, “Christ has abolished the law – (that’s the law regarding the division of Jews and Gentiles) – so that he might create in himself one new humanity in place of the two, thus making peace, to reconcile both groups to God in one body, putting their hostility to death through the cross”. Divisions between human groups and communities and factions are not of God; divisiveness is against the teaching and practice of Christ; so let us strive not to define ourselves as against but for other human beings, however badly they may have behaved, however different their culture and traditional values are from our own. [Continue Reading]

Passion Sunday sermon by Canon Charles Kenny

Groomsport Parish Church, Diocese of Down

We usually call this Passion Sunday, having in mind that period of intense suffering (passion) of Jesus culminating on Good Fri, -Passiontide, remembering the last terrible days of Jesus’ life. The remembering of an innocent and good man suffering unjustly is a powerful force but there is more to this than that. The Passion of Jesus has always interested, even preoccupied, his followers; from the very beginning they have loved to retell, even relive, those events. [Continue Reading]

Sermon preached by Ugandan Bishop Senyonjo at Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin

Since 2001, retired Bishop Christopher Senyonjo has spoken out bravely on the subject of homosexuality. I met him briefly on his recent visit to Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin. Uganda is currently promulgating some of the most regressive new laws against LGBT people and people with HIV/AIDS, including a possible death penalty. His is one of the few senior church voices publicly opposed to these laws. Here are his sermon notes. [Continue Reading]

IDAHO 2010 Belfast: “I am the Door”

Address given by Colin Flinn at St. Georges Parish Church Belfast Sun 16th May 2010 to mark International Day against Homophobia

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Rt. Revd. Trevor Williams at the Launch of “Share Your Story”

When we encounter difference, when we are confronted with a profound challenge, we can find ourselves very fearful. Fear is a natural response of self protection. But the response to fear can turn to fight or flight; responses which we have witnessed on the streets of Belfast for over 30 years. So how is a path towards reconciliation between those of opposing views made possible. [Continue Reading]

Thinking Allowed about Gay and Lesbian Persons in our Churches

A sermon given by the Revd. Mervyn Kingston, at the Chapel, Trinity College Dublin on Sunday 8th February 2009.

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International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO) 2009 Dublin Service: “Don’t Throw Stones”

Christ Church Cathedral Dublin [Continue Reading]

International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO) 2009 Belfast Service: “Don’t Throw Stones”

St. George‘s Church Belfast 15.00hrs
Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin 15.30hrs
St. Fin Barre‘s Cathedral, Cork 19.00hrs
Supported by the Irish Government’s Reconciliation Fund. [Continue Reading]