Good Disagreement Part 9:” Which was more painful; Coming out as an LGBT or having to re-interpret your faith?” In this, the final video of our nine part series recorded in 2016 Jayne Ozanne LGBT Christian campaigner asks this question as part of the discussion on the subject of the inclusion of openly LGBT Christians in […]
Jayne Ozanne “Good Disagreement” or Being Gay in the context of Christian belief Part 8
Good Disagreement Part 8: “Where does religion stop and cult begin?” In this edition of our nine part series of the CAI talk that ran on the fringe of the Church of Ireland General Synod 2016, where Jayne Ozanne, LGBT Christian campaigner asks this question as part of the discussion on the subject of the […]
Jayne Ozanne “Good Disagreement” or Being Gay in the context of Christian belief Part 7
Good Disagreement Part 7: “Is it true that LGBT teenagers are more predisposed to suicide?” In this edition of our nine part series of the CAI talk that ran on the fringe of the Church of Ireland General Synod 2016, where Jayne Ozanne, LGBT Christian campaigner asks this question as part of the discussion on […]
Jayne Ozanne Good Disagreement Part 6: “Is Homosexual Orientation a Sin?
Good Disagreement Part 6: “Is Homosexual Orientation a Sin? In this edition of our nine part series of the CAI talk that ran on the fringe of the Church of Ireland General Synod 2016, where Jayne Ozanne, LGBT Christian campaigner asks this question as part of the discussion on the subject of the inclusion of […]
Scottish Episcopal Church Votes in Favour of Same-Sex Marriage
Yesterday, Friday June 10th was an historic day for the Scottish Episcopal Church and indeed for the LGBT community and the Anglican Church worldwide. The Church’s Synod voted in favour of changing the marriage canon of its constitution, a highly significant step in the opening up of religious marriage ceremonies to LGBT people. More […]
Jayne Ozanne “Good Disagreement” or Being Gay in the context of Christian belief Part 5
Part 5 of ‘Good Disagreement’ the CAI talk that ran on the fringe of the Church of Ireland General Synod 2016, where Jayne Ozanne, LGBT Christian campaigner spoke on the topic of ‘Good Disagreement’. Centring around the subject of the inclusion of openly LGBT Christians in the Church and same-sex marriage, in the context of […]
Jayne Ozanne “Good Disagreement” or Being Gay in the context of Christian belief Part 4
Part 4 of ‘Good Disagreement’ the CAI talk that ran on the fringe of the Church of Ireland General Synod 2016, where Jayne Ozanne, LGBT Christian campaigner spoke on the topic of ‘Good Disagreement’. Centring around the subject of the inclusion of openly LGBT Christians in the Church and same-sex marriage, in the context of […]
Jayne Ozanne “Good Disagreement” or Being Gay in the context of Christian belief Part 3
Part 3 of the CAI talk that ran on the fringe of the Church of Ireland General Synod 2016, where Jayne Ozanne, LGBT Christian campaigner spoke on the topic of ‘Good Disagreement’. Centring around the subject of the inclusion of openly LGBT Christians in the Church and same-sex marriage, in the context of Christian belief, […]
Jayne Ozanne “Good Disagreement” or Being Gay in the context of Christian belief Part 2
Part 2 of the Changing Attitude Ireland sponsored event that ran on the fringe of the Church of Ireland General Synod, at which Jayne Ozanne, LGBT Christian campaigner spoke on the topic of ‘Good Disagreement’. This centred around the subject of the inclusion of openly LGBT Christians in the Church and same-sex marriage, in the […]